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Monday, December 2, 2013

Help Wanted!


Many people in today time are looking for jobs. The main source of job search is the help wanted section, where you can find a lot of jobs but the problems is finding the right job for you. This is also the same with God. God has a help wanted sign, the harvest is plentiful but the labors are few.  

 In our spiritual walk we do the same thing many people are on a hunt to find the right church, the right fit,  if this church or group of people have what I want and not what I need, is this church to small or to big.  We say if it to small people will know my business and if it is big I can get lost and no one will get into my business.
 Now, church hunters you find a church you think you may like to try out so you visit this church or date it as we say at my church "can I date you for a while". Now dating can be good and it can be bad the question is how long are we going to date before you become a couple? In the real world we know we are not going to date a brother for along time either we are a couple or we are not. So how long should you date the church?

 Now in your job hunt your application is accepted and you are called for the interview process.  This is where you meet the people you will be working with.  God doesn't  have interviews his process is to see if you are faithful in coming to church not just Sunday, to prayer meetings, bible study, men and women group, choir practice, usher board and even going out when the pastor has to speak out are you there to support.  See this is you interview process, and let's not for get tithes and offering are you faithful giving even with you time and talents to the church.

 Now this is where the job process get tricky because the board goes and look over you application and see if you are a fit for the company what will you bring to the table. Are you a match for the team we have.  God question is do you meet the job requirements he has laid out for you.  The requirements that the pastors require,  for you to come not just on Sunday, this job may require you to dig deeper and be transparent so that God can deliver you, this job may require you to reach back into the hurtful places of you life and relive some things so God can deliver you.  This job may require you to kick that man out your house, this job may require you to put that beer down, this job may require you change the way you think about yourself and people, this job may require you to study your word more, this job may require you to tell your husband that you cheated, this job may require you to be the bigger person and forgive those who did you wrong. This jobs requires more then you think, so ask yourself do you meet the requirements for the job?

 We can't keep walking the same walk we did before we came to Christ there must be a change.  Even for those who have been serving God for quite some time now God is requiring of you to change also.  You see the job requirements have change for many of us since we got save, because the job(world) has change so we must change with the job and that may call for us to go through some more job training. Why do I need that? You need job training because your positions has change and the job is now requiring more from you and your leader is requiring more from you.  So you need training but  you must be willing to be train.You can't come into a new job doing what you did at your old job, they will not allow that you must come in and learn a new way of doing things. 

As we close just ask your self Do I meet the Job Requirements of God? Does God require more from me and if so What?   Is this job (church) right for me?  Is it time for a new job (church)?

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