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Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I was tapping my foot on the floor as I looked up at the clock. It was now 11:30 pm and I had not heard from my husband. Okay, I told myself..give it just a littel more time. You know he lets time get away from him. I'm going to play it cool, even though I literally could feel my blood pressure rising. Should I call the hospital? Maybe I can just jump in my car and go check on him. Will the police be at my door or call me to tell me something terrible has happened to him? As my mind was running every scenario in the book, I heard the chime of the back door opening. Thank God! Now that I know he's safe he is really going to hear it from me this time! As he casually saunters into the room, the look on my face must have given it away immediately. He then  had the audacity to ask me what's wrong! "Where were you? I have been worried sick!' Startled at my attack he responds, "I told you I was going to the church to drop off some things." Dropping off things takes about 10 minutes and the church is only 15 minutes away. Oh yeah, I had already calculated in my head how long the trip should take. "Well sweetie, the sound system was acting up so I was tring to fix it for Sunday. Why didn't you just call me?" "I did, but you didn't answer!" Now he wanted to insult my intelligence. As I grabbed my phone to show him the evidence, I looked at my phone and realized in my franticness of calling him I missed dialed his number by one digit. Well that still wasn't an excuse for him to have me in this state, so I just let loose withe the  barrage of what my heart was feeling. "You left me! You didn't call, and I didn't know what happened to you.!" Yo have been gone for a whole two hours and I was worried. You know that you are alright, but I don't know that! What if something had happened to you and I didn't get a chance to say goodbye??" Whoa...I just heard the words that came out of my mouth and at the sam time felt the pang of pain in my heart. Where in the world did that come from??

Many time in our life when we find ourselves arguing or getting upset at an individual or situation; when we are honest with ourselves, it really is not the situation or person that upsets us. but rather what the situation or person reminds us of something in our past that we have not yet been healed from.

Begin to listen to your conversatiosn and being to recognize what gets you upeset. We have  to realize that we have the power, so if we are getting upset, it's not the other person that "made us mad". We allowed them to conjure up those feelings within us. The question is why does it make you feel that way.....

  • Have you had a disagreement or argument with someone, but realized that you were arguing about something other than the situation at hand? What was it?
  • What made you upset and angry? What did it remind you of ? Where did it take you in your mind? Identify where healing needs to take place within you.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Yes! This is a wonderful group of ladies. The topics hit right at home for me. I love the way they just peel the onion.
