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Monday, November 25, 2013

Last Holiday

What if you were told that you had only two months to live? November -December how would you spend your last holiday.  Would you spend it with family & friends? Would you spend it complaining about what you do or don't have? Would you spend it on a dream vacation? Would you take out all your money that you save if you saved any and go shopping? Would you sit around and say why me God?  Ask yourself that question this holiday season What would I do?  How would I want people to remember me.  Many of us ladies are like the character in the movie Last Holiday which is one of my favorite holiday movies.  It is about this shy salesperson who finds out she has only three months to live.  She begins to do what many of us do ask God  (Why Me Lord).  As she sits and looks through this book she created about her dreams and things she would like to do in her life she begins to change how she looks at life.  She plan her dream vacation, take a first class flight, she adventures out and do things she never thought she would do "She begins to take a chance on life". The movie lets us see how we view life when we are hit with some hard choices.

In the process of her enjoying her life she begins to inspire other people around her, isn't that wonderful in your moment of dying you inspire others to live. Even when the emeny trys to tear her down, she still inspires others. Around this time of the year many people become depress, lonely and sad because they can't do what they want to do for their family, but this thanksgiving be truly thankful for what you can do this Holiday.  We hear all throughout the season Jesus is the Reason for the Season but do we really believe that? If we do let act like it.  This year for many people have been the hardest year they have ever seen in their lives. So as a people lets make this season about Jesus and enjoy it.

This holiday season spend your holiday as if it is your "Last Holiday" and enjoy it with laughter, smiles, shareing, giving, being the person God call you to be.  Change the way you do the holidays this year if it is volunteering, cooking dinner and inviting a neighbor over who you know doesn't have a family.  Just do something different this holiday season. Enjoy it as if it is your "Last Holiday"!!

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