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Monday, November 18, 2013


Good Morning, I just want to thank all those who are following this blog, I pray that you share it with someone in your daily walk.  Today topic is CURB APPEAL!

 What is curb appeal you may ask, curb appeal is the visual attractiveness of a house as seen from the street. Today I want to touch on your Spiritual Curb Appeal what are you attracting, what are people seeing when they look at your house (which is you). Is your curb appeal old and falling apart as you see in the picture is that your spiritual house?  In this spiritual walk there are times when our house need a little make over. The storms of life are so strong that it can put a wear and tear on your house, just as you fix up your nature house we also need to fix up and remodel our spiritual house. We need to change our thinking, get rid of old things, old feelings, old way we approach people and talk to them, the old way we handle life situations. That is where curb appeal comes in. We walk through life with the house (ourselves) looking good  to us so we think and God is saying you need a make over. God is saying let me make you over to what appeals to me and we want let him.  People are looking at your house from the curb and see you are a mess. Sometime when you are in your own house you don't see how you look from the curb you are so used to doing things your way you don't want to change.  You ever wonder why people don't want to have nothing to do with you, you have no curb appeal.  Who are you attracting with you curb appeal are you attracting people that will help you or are you attracting people who just want to add to the falling apart structure of your house.  What is your curb appeal saying about you?  Are you so mean that people just walk by your house. Is your curb appeal saying you are weak or strong?  Are you so holy  that people just walk by your house? Are you so afraid of letting people in your house to help you make a better curb appeal?  Today in your daily walk look at the house you pass buy and see which house you would like to be, look at the curb appeal and see what it says about that house and applied that to your own life.  Just take a look at the curb appeal!!!!

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