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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Nelson Mandela

Good Morning, Today we will not have a post but to celebrate a great man that died Nelson Mandela.

Question:  How do you celebrate life?

Monday, December 2, 2013

Help Wanted!


Many people in today time are looking for jobs. The main source of job search is the help wanted section, where you can find a lot of jobs but the problems is finding the right job for you. This is also the same with God. God has a help wanted sign, the harvest is plentiful but the labors are few.  

 In our spiritual walk we do the same thing many people are on a hunt to find the right church, the right fit,  if this church or group of people have what I want and not what I need, is this church to small or to big.  We say if it to small people will know my business and if it is big I can get lost and no one will get into my business.
 Now, church hunters you find a church you think you may like to try out so you visit this church or date it as we say at my church "can I date you for a while". Now dating can be good and it can be bad the question is how long are we going to date before you become a couple? In the real world we know we are not going to date a brother for along time either we are a couple or we are not. So how long should you date the church?

 Now in your job hunt your application is accepted and you are called for the interview process.  This is where you meet the people you will be working with.  God doesn't  have interviews his process is to see if you are faithful in coming to church not just Sunday, to prayer meetings, bible study, men and women group, choir practice, usher board and even going out when the pastor has to speak out are you there to support.  See this is you interview process, and let's not for get tithes and offering are you faithful giving even with you time and talents to the church.

 Now this is where the job process get tricky because the board goes and look over you application and see if you are a fit for the company what will you bring to the table. Are you a match for the team we have.  God question is do you meet the job requirements he has laid out for you.  The requirements that the pastors require,  for you to come not just on Sunday, this job may require you to dig deeper and be transparent so that God can deliver you, this job may require you to reach back into the hurtful places of you life and relive some things so God can deliver you.  This job may require you to kick that man out your house, this job may require you to put that beer down, this job may require you change the way you think about yourself and people, this job may require you to study your word more, this job may require you to tell your husband that you cheated, this job may require you to be the bigger person and forgive those who did you wrong. This jobs requires more then you think, so ask yourself do you meet the requirements for the job?

 We can't keep walking the same walk we did before we came to Christ there must be a change.  Even for those who have been serving God for quite some time now God is requiring of you to change also.  You see the job requirements have change for many of us since we got save, because the job(world) has change so we must change with the job and that may call for us to go through some more job training. Why do I need that? You need job training because your positions has change and the job is now requiring more from you and your leader is requiring more from you.  So you need training but  you must be willing to be train.You can't come into a new job doing what you did at your old job, they will not allow that you must come in and learn a new way of doing things. 

As we close just ask your self Do I meet the Job Requirements of God? Does God require more from me and if so What?   Is this job (church) right for me?  Is it time for a new job (church)?

Monday, November 25, 2013

Last Holiday

What if you were told that you had only two months to live? November -December how would you spend your last holiday.  Would you spend it with family & friends? Would you spend it complaining about what you do or don't have? Would you spend it on a dream vacation? Would you take out all your money that you save if you saved any and go shopping? Would you sit around and say why me God?  Ask yourself that question this holiday season What would I do?  How would I want people to remember me.  Many of us ladies are like the character in the movie Last Holiday which is one of my favorite holiday movies.  It is about this shy salesperson who finds out she has only three months to live.  She begins to do what many of us do ask God  (Why Me Lord).  As she sits and looks through this book she created about her dreams and things she would like to do in her life she begins to change how she looks at life.  She plan her dream vacation, take a first class flight, she adventures out and do things she never thought she would do "She begins to take a chance on life". The movie lets us see how we view life when we are hit with some hard choices.

In the process of her enjoying her life she begins to inspire other people around her, isn't that wonderful in your moment of dying you inspire others to live. Even when the emeny trys to tear her down, she still inspires others. Around this time of the year many people become depress, lonely and sad because they can't do what they want to do for their family, but this thanksgiving be truly thankful for what you can do this Holiday.  We hear all throughout the season Jesus is the Reason for the Season but do we really believe that? If we do let act like it.  This year for many people have been the hardest year they have ever seen in their lives. So as a people lets make this season about Jesus and enjoy it.

This holiday season spend your holiday as if it is your "Last Holiday" and enjoy it with laughter, smiles, shareing, giving, being the person God call you to be.  Change the way you do the holidays this year if it is volunteering, cooking dinner and inviting a neighbor over who you know doesn't have a family.  Just do something different this holiday season. Enjoy it as if it is your "Last Holiday"!!

LAST HOLIDAY (2006) - Official Movie Trailer

Monday, November 18, 2013


Good Morning, I just want to thank all those who are following this blog, I pray that you share it with someone in your daily walk.  Today topic is CURB APPEAL!

 What is curb appeal you may ask, curb appeal is the visual attractiveness of a house as seen from the street. Today I want to touch on your Spiritual Curb Appeal what are you attracting, what are people seeing when they look at your house (which is you). Is your curb appeal old and falling apart as you see in the picture is that your spiritual house?  In this spiritual walk there are times when our house need a little make over. The storms of life are so strong that it can put a wear and tear on your house, just as you fix up your nature house we also need to fix up and remodel our spiritual house. We need to change our thinking, get rid of old things, old feelings, old way we approach people and talk to them, the old way we handle life situations. That is where curb appeal comes in. We walk through life with the house (ourselves) looking good  to us so we think and God is saying you need a make over. God is saying let me make you over to what appeals to me and we want let him.  People are looking at your house from the curb and see you are a mess. Sometime when you are in your own house you don't see how you look from the curb you are so used to doing things your way you don't want to change.  You ever wonder why people don't want to have nothing to do with you, you have no curb appeal.  Who are you attracting with you curb appeal are you attracting people that will help you or are you attracting people who just want to add to the falling apart structure of your house.  What is your curb appeal saying about you?  Are you so mean that people just walk by your house. Is your curb appeal saying you are weak or strong?  Are you so holy  that people just walk by your house? Are you so afraid of letting people in your house to help you make a better curb appeal?  Today in your daily walk look at the house you pass buy and see which house you would like to be, look at the curb appeal and see what it says about that house and applied that to your own life.  Just take a look at the curb appeal!!!!

Monday, November 11, 2013


     I think we all have the fairy tale as  little girls when we pass by the big houses in the car, that we imagine who lives there and what their life must be like.  We imagine, dream, and hope that one day it will be use with the perfect home, the perfect husband, and the perfect children. As we grow older, we realize that the dream is a little harder to obtain than just clicking our heels together, but nevertheless we endeavor to achieve it.

    I've talked with and seen both sides of the equation and the outcome of trying to obtain this "thing" called the good life. On one end of the dream there is the woman who came from nothing, never had anything to speak of,  and hustles everyday just to make ends meet. For her, its all about survival and that is the mode that she stays in. There is no  looking to the future and planning ahead because "the day has enough trouble of its own" Matt. 8:32. I know you are asking yourself, so then what is the appearance that she is trying to keep up if she has nothing to "keep up?'
     On the other end of the spectrum you have the woman that seems to have it all. A great and lucrative job, the husband, the big house, nice luxury sedan or SUV, the 2.5 kids, and even the dog! By all appearances she has it all! Don't get me wrong, you have worked hard and sacrificed a lot to get to where you are and are proud of it as you should be, but the question remains how much are you sacrificing of yourself to keep it? when you sit on your couch in you den and look around at all that you have accomplished, why in the pit of your heart do you still fill empty and unfulfilled?

    No matter which end of the spectrum you are on, and all the countless women and scenarios in between, the questions are still the same. Why do yo still feel unfulfilled? For the woman who is surviving the surface answer is easy. You would say, "Because I don't have what I need." but its more to it. The emptiness is still the same. It's a longing for something you feel as if you cannot get or reach, You keep up the appearance that you are tough and nothing bothers you and you are going to "get yours" no matter how much it takes. Its difficult to keep up the appearance of being tough or hard when you truly are very sensitive at the core. Its hard to keep up the appearance of having it all when within your heart you would give it all away if you could just be content and happy. The ironic thing is that the woman who has nothing is looking at the woman who has it all and believes that if she had all of the trappings of success she would be happy and content. While the woman who has it all looks at the woman who has nothing and dreams of a more simpler life without all the complications of "more money, more problems."
     When we take away the external and look at the core of who we are, we all have the same needs. Hiding behind the mask that grins and lies does not bring peace and wholeness to our lives. Learning how to not allow external circumstances dictate who we are and our worth is paramount. OUR PERCEPTION IS OUR REALITY  and we project our perception of ourselves into the world. what we are looking for is the love of Christ to fill that space that only He can fill. How do you begin to feel His love? Begin by being honest with yourself. the stuff, or lack thereof, does not define who you are. the extra Coach bag or pair of shoes will not fulfill the deeply internal desire to be loved. Be honest and be real. That's when the King of glory can come in.........

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Lord, I ask you to open up my mind, my heart, and my spirit as I embark on this journey of self-discovery. My heart's desire is for You, and it's Your word that I meditate on day and night. Open me up to myself and help me to see the origin of my heartache so that I may begin to operate in the newness of You. I come against the enemy right now that tries to speak to my mind and tell me that I can't go to those hurtful places because I will break or come unglued. For I know that when I take YOU to those hurtful places that you can heal and renew me. In Jesus name I pray.